
  • Emergency Kit

    How to Create an Emergency Survival Kit

      If a massive disaster wiped out power to your region right now, with no hope of recovery for at least several days, would you be ready? Would you have a way to connect with your family? Would you have enough nonperishable food for everyone? In short, do you have the right plan and supplies […]

    December 11, 2017

  • fire and embers

    Why Today’s Homes Burn Faster

    From building materials to furnishings, many of the things in your home likely aren’t as flame-resistant as those from yesteryear. A fire in a modern home is a “perfect storm,” according to safety consulting and certification company UL (Underwriters Laboratories). Larger homes, more open layouts, new construction materials and other factors mean fires burn more […]

    November 27, 2017

  • motorcycle

    Ride Safe with These Motorcycling Tips

    Motorcycle riders are far more likely than people in cars to be seriously injured or killed in a crash — but keeping safety in mind can reduce your risk. There are many benefits to motorcycles — they get great gas mileage, they can make your commute easier, and it’s almost never a problem finding a […]

    November 6, 2017

  • car wrapped in bubble wrap

    How to Lower Your Auto Insurance Bill

    It’s easy to lower your insurance costs — especially if you have a great driving record, or don’t mind having higher deductibles. Who doesn’t want to pay less for car insurance? Billions of dollars are spent on ad campaigns to convince you to “switch and save” — but the truth is, many people can find […]

    October 23, 2017

  • broken mug

    Do You Need Umbrella Insurance?

      One of the most certain things in life is uncertainty. Your dog could bite the neighbor’s kid. Your teen driver could hit a cyclist. A guest could fall down your stairs. A rainy morning commute on worn-out tires could result in a multi-car accident. And you could be held liable to others for the […]

    September 28, 2017

  • Jewelry box

    Insuring Jewelry: How to Know if Your Coverage is Enough

    A ring from a loved one. A bracelet handed down through generations. A watch or necklace marking a special occasion. Every reason why you treasure a piece of fine jewelry is a reason why it should be insured. However, calling it “jewelry insurance” may be a stretch. You don’t need a separate policy to insure […]

    September 12, 2017

  • Getting Ready for Irma

    Due to Hurricane Irma’s likely projection, our office is closed until Tuesday, September 12th so that our employees can secure their homes and their families. All of our companies are closed for binding so we can no longer make any modifications nor write any new policies. Please follow us on Facebook for updates, which provided […]

    September 6, 2017

  • kids on a raft

    How to Choose the Right Life Jacket

    You can lower your risk of drowning by wearing a life jacket — but it can’t be just any life jacket. To truly be effective, a life jacket needs to be the right type and fit correctly. You probably know you should wear a life jacket when you’re on the water, and you probably know […]

    August 28, 2017

  • pool floats

    Three Ways a Pool May Affect Your Homeowners Insurance

    That oh-so-covetable experience of taking a dip in your very own pool? Millions of American households enjoy it, at least when the weather’s nice. With the summer heat ratcheting up, you may be coming down with a serious case of pool envy, obsessed with having a pool right outside your door for cooling off and […]

    August 14, 2017

  • couch

    Easy to Forget Cleaning Projects

    As a busy homeowner, it is easy to fall into the trap of pushing off tasks that maintain the long-term value of your home in favor of more pressing problems. That’s OK, to a point, as certain house-cleaning projects should be in the “long-term maintenance” category. But putting them on hold for too long can […]

    July 17, 2017

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